Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tame Inflammation with Whole Grains
By cooking a pot of brown rice, barley, or quinoa each week and refrigerating it, you can add whole grains to every meal, says Robin Asbell, author of The New Whole Grains Cookbook. Serve grains with scrambled eggs, stir into soups, and reheat with leftover vegetables for a quick stir-fry.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Water Bottle Warning
Even when they're not filled with hot liquid, polycarbonate bottles can leak BPA. But occasionally drinking cold water from plastic isn't likely to drastically increase your exposure, says Kirby Donnelly, Ph.D., head of Texas A&M University's Environmental and Occupational Health department. Still, he notes, opting for glass or stainless-steel bottles is the best way to avoid BPA and other potentially harmful synthetic chemicals.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Straight From The Shelf
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Clean the Air
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Exercise Improves Your Body and Your Brain
Exercise is a critical component of good health, especially as you age. Exercise will help you:
- sleep better
- Lose weight, gain weight, or maintain weight, depending on your needs
- Improve your resistance to fight infections
- Lower your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes
- Help your brain work better, making you smarter
Key points to remember when exercising:
- Listen to your body
- Be consistent
- Start with walking if you are overweight
- Increase your intensity regularily
- Stick with it
Monday, May 26, 2008
Simple Secrets to Living Longer and Happier
In this study, researchers asked a group of nearly 90 students to watch one of three video genres: horror to induce anxiety, comedy to induce joy and laughter or "neutral" to have no effect on emotions. After viewing one of the three movies, the students were then shown 28 yearbook-style photos of college-aged people in random order for 500 milliseconde.
Findings showed:
- Students who watched the comedy had much higher positive emotions, while those who viewed the horror movie had far more negative emotions.
- In a testing phase, more images passed by and students were asked to acknowledge whether or not they had seen the photos earlier -- those in a positive mood had a far greater ability to recognize members of another race, while their ability to recognize members of their own race remained the same.
It was concluded that negative emotions create a "tunnel vision" view of the world, whereas positive emotions (i.e. joy, humor and happiness) promote big-picture thinking and allow one to become more inclusive and detail-oriented. Also, positive emotions allow one to think in terms of "us" rather than "them".
University of Michigan News Service
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Does Sunshine Really Cause Skin Cancer?
Ackerman, an expert in the field of dermatology, said that the connection between melanoma and the sun is both inconclusive and inconsistent.
Commonly held assumptions on the sun and melanoma:
- If a person is badly sunburned, to the point of blistering at an early age in their life, they will develop skin cancer later on in life. Ackerman pointed out there were contradictions in the studies supporting this theory.
- Another common assumption is that sunscreen is that sunscreen acts as a protetion against melanoma. To counter this theory, Ackerman referred to a study completed in a dermatology journal on the subject that didn't provide any factual evidence to support this theory.
The more intense the exposure to the sun, the greater the liklihood of developing melanoma. Ackerman claimed that much of the epidemiological research is innaccurate and doesn't evaluate cause and effect findings.
Ackerman advised keeping out of the sun if you're concerned about premature aging or if you're very fair-skinned due to the increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma, a less dangerous form of cancer. Otherwise, Ackerman said it was not wise to hold onto the beliefs that included avoiding the sun and using sunscreen as ways to protect against melanoma.
ContraCosta Times
Saturday, May 24, 2008
All-Natural Fruit Juices Aren't Healthy
Nutritionists and the new U.S. dietary guidelines both agree on the same recommendation: it is better to eat whole fresh fruit than to consume fruit juice.
Research revealed that 3 and 4 year olds who carried extra weight and consumed one to two sweet drinks a day were at double the risk of becoming seriously overweight one year later.
In order to study the effects of sweet drinks researchers followed over 10,000 Missouri children who were divided into three groups: normal and underweight, those at risk of becoming overweight and those who were already overweight.
Some of the components of the study included comparing children's heights and weights and parents' reports of what their children ate and drank over the course of a four week period.
The study uncovered a link between sweet drinks and being overweight among all three weight categories of the participants, however the statistics weren't as significant for those children who fell into the normal and underweight category.
Other factors such as ethnicity, birth weight and high-fat diets didn't change any of the effects of sweet drinks.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Cut Colon Cancer Risk with Blueberries
In a study of 18 rats with colon cancer, those fed a diet supplemented with the blueberry compound pterostilbene had 57 percent fewer pre-cancerous lesions after eight weeks compared to the control group. Pterostilbene also inhibited genes involved in inflammation, which is thought to be a risk factor for colon cancer.
A past study has found that blueberries are beneficial; when blueberry skins were fed to animals, their cholesterol was lowered. It's thought that pterostilbene may prevent colon cancer by lowering lipids in your body.
Blueberries are rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins, and are a good source of ellagic acid, which in known to block metabolic pathways that may lead to cancer. There are 30 different blueberry species native to North America.
Clinical Cancer Research
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Pesticides Can Cause Prostate Cancer
The results confirm previous studies that have found associations between pesticide use and risk of prostate cancer among farmers.
Researchers analyzed 55,332 farmers and nursery workers who worked with pesticides in Iowa and North Carolina.
Among the participants, 566 new cases of prostate cancer developed between 1993 and 1999, compared to 495 that would normally be expected.
Compared to the general population, the farmers who used pesticides had a 14 percent greater risk of developing prostate cancer.
Six pesticides, chlorpyrifos, coumaphos, fonofos, phorate, permethrin and butylate, raised the prostate cancer risk in men with a history of the disease, while one pesticide, methyl bromide, raised the risk in all of the men.
About 30,000 U.S. men will die of prostate cancer this year and more than 220,000 will be diagnosed, according to the American Cancer Society. The largest risk factors for the disease include age and family history. Additionally, African-American men have higher rates of prostate cancer than other ethnicities.
Reuter's Health
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sleeping Patterns Are Governed by Light
Your eyes use light to reset your biological clock through a mechanism that is separate from your ability to see, researchers at Johns Hopkins University found.
Researchers genetically modified laboratory mice so that a particular set of retinal ganglion cells - the ones that received input from the rods and cones of the eyes and send information to your brain - no longer functioned. The mice were still able to use light to see normally, but had great dificulty synchronizing their circadian rhythms to light or dark cycles.
The findings suggest that people who have trouble sleeping or seasonal depression may be having a malfunction that is contributing to their inability to detect light, which in turn may adversely affect their biological clocks.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
5 Absolute Worst Foods You Can Eat
- Doughnuts because of they are full of sugar, white flour and trans fats.
- Soda because it has about 10 teaspoons of sugar or worse aspartame.
- French fries (and all fried foods) because of the trans fats and acrylamide.
- Chips because of trans fats and the formation of carcinogenic substances like acrylamide.
- Fried non-fish seafood because of the toxic mercury content.
The moral of the story is still, you are what you eat. The question is what are you eating?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Is Your Antiperspirant Causing Cancer?
The researchers tested breast samples from 17 breast-cancer patients who had undergone mastectomies. The women who used antiperspirants had deposits of aluminum in their outer breast tissue. Concentrations of aluminum were higher in the tissue closest to the underarm than in the central breast.
Aluminum is not normally found in the human body, and the researchers believe the metal is being absorbed from antiperspirant sprays and roll-ons.
Animal studies have found that aluminum can cause cancer, and the British researcher who led this study, Dr. Chris Exley from Keele University, has also suggested that the aluminum content of sunscreens could increase users' risk of skin cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Further studies are needed to determine if the aluminum came from antiperspirants and whether it contributed to breast cancer.
The director-general of the Cosmetic, Toiletry & Perfumery Association said they do not believe that the aluminum in antiperspirants is absorbed by the body.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry November 2007
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Fluoride Damages Your Brain!
Recent human studies from China have confirmed the results of previous animal studies; that elevated fluoride exposure leads to reduced I.Q. in children.
Cognitive ability is further reduced if your child is deficient in iodine.
Prior to this, more than 30 animal studies produced since 1992 have reported impairment in learning and memory processes among animals treated with fluoride.
Even at levels as low as 1ppm (part per million), studies have demonstrated direct toxic effects on brain tissue, including:
- reduction in lipid content
- impaired anti-oxidant defense systems
- damage to your hippocampus
- damage to your purkinje cells
- increased uptake of aluminum
- formation of beta-amyloid plaques (the classic brain abnormality in Alzheimer's disease)
- accumulation of fluoride in your pineal gland
Fluoride Action Network
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Food Allergy Hospitalizations Are on the Rise
The analysis looked at data from national surveys, consultations with primary care health practitioners, prescriptions, hospital admissions, and deaths.
Hospital admissions for anaphylaxis have risen by 600 percent, and those food allergies have risen by 400 percent. Prescriptions for all types of allergy have also increased over the past 15 years.
The cause of the increase is known, although it could be attributable to changes in the sources of allergic disease.
How can you prevent food allergies? Only eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy meats, along with pure drinking water.
Science Daily
Friday, May 16, 2008
Is Life Expectancy Falling in the United States?
Nearly one in five women had decline of life expectancy hold steady, starting in the 1980s.
About half of the 2,000 county units studied were poor, rural areas, and the decline was blamed on chronic diseases related to smoking, overweight and obesity, and high blood pressure.
Those worst affected by the downturn live in the south, the Appalachians, southern parts of the Midwest and areas of Texas.
"The fact that this is happening to a large number of Americans should be a sign that the US health system needs serious rethinking," said the study's co-author Christopher Murray, director of the institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.
Yahoo News
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Is the Pain of Fibromyalgia Killing You?
The meditation course partly focused on managing stressful situations, which National Fibromyalgia Association senior medical adviser Patrick Wood, M.D., considers important. "Fibromyalgia pain is often triggered by some sort of stressor," he says, "so learning to handle stress better can make a big difference in terms of symptom experience."
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Physicians Create List of Who Will Live and Who Will Die in Pandemic/Disaster Scenario
"If a mass casualty critical care event were to occur tomorrow, many people with clinical conditions that are survivable under usual health care system conditions may have to forgo life-sustaining interventions owing to deficiencies in supply or staffing," according to the report.
Who is out of Luck?
- People older than 85
- People with severe trauma
- Severely burned patients older than 60
- People with severe mental impairment
- People with severe chronic disease
The bottom line, to predict your future health status, look at your current health habits. Make sure you are making the best decisions possible when it comes to your health. May 5, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Are You Drinking DEET?
And as soon as you come inside and wash DEET from your skin and clothing, that DEET gets washed down the drain, and is now showing up in rivers and lakes. According to testing done for the Chicago Sun-Times, DEET is also present in your drinking water.
Deet is a Neurological Toxin.
Deet has been shown to cause nervous-system damage, including:
- Insomnia
- Mood changes
- Disorientation and clumsiness when walking
- Seizures
- Coma
- Even death
Have your tap water independently tested to find out what, if any, contaminants exist.
Chicago Sun-Times April 21, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Many Toys Contain Dangerous Chemicals
The study, directd by the Environmental Health Project of the Ecology Center in Michigan, also found that jewelry products were the most likely to contain high levels of lead.
Other items, such as bedroom slippers, bath toys and card-game cases were also tainted, some with as much as five times the standard safety level of lead. One Hannah Montana card-game case, for instance, had lead levels of 3,056 parts per million.
The study was conducted to spur government officials to take action against tainted toys. Millions of toys, most of them made in China, have already been recalled in 2007
Yahoo News
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Cancer Prevention
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Kill Your Stress ... Before Your Stress Kills You!
- Back pain and headaches
- Stomache and digestive problems
- Tooth grinding
- Sleep loss and fatigue
- Skin problems
- Weight gain or loss
- Depression
- Confusion, irritability, forgetfulness and more
The following tips from Lifehack will help you develop practices and a mindset that disipate and reduce the inevitable stress of life itself.
- Make quiet time
- Eat better
- Make family time
- Talk it out
- Prioritize
- Accept interruptions gracefully
- Pay attention to yourself
- Love
- Learn how to relax and center April 11, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
10 Ways to Hurt Your Body
In a modern world, body modification is still popular, though not without risk. Most dyes used in tattooing are not approved for cosmetic purposes and were produced for industrial uses such as car paint, for instance. Body piercing can also cause problems depending on the types of metal used and the location of the piercing.
Here are the top 10 things that people do to their bodies that they probably shouldn't? This LiveScience article has detailed the top 10:
10. Toe Shortening
9. Laser Hair Removal
8. Body Piercing
7. Grills
6. Permanent Makeup
5. Bariatric Surgery
4. Skin Whitening
3. Botox
2. Penis Enhancement
1. Liposuction
LiveScience April 22, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
2007 Vaccine Blamed for the Worst Flu Season in Four Years
The 2007-2008 season started slowly, peaked in mid-February, and now seems to be declining. Based on adult deaths from flu and pneumonia, this is the worst since 2003-2004.
This year, the vaccine was only 44 percent effective, according to a study. It was the worst match for flu viruses since 1997-1999, when the vaccine didn't work at all against the circulating virus.
Every year, health officials make an educated guess to formulate a vaccine against three flu viruses they think will be circulating.
This year, two of the three strains were not good matches.
Dallas News April 18, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Are You to Clean?
Some antibacterial soaps could even squelch the effectiveness of antibiotic drugs, Aiello warns. Scientists have yet to detect such changes at the population level, but lab tests have shown that E. coli bacteria can become drug resistant when exposed to the amount of triclosan found in most commercial cleansers.
If you still feel better washing with an antibacterial, consider soaps made with tee tree oil, suggests Donald Abrams, M.D., director of clinical programs at the Universith of California, San Francisco's Osher Center for Itegrative Medicine. Native to Australia and traditionally used to treat topical infections, this essential oil has antimicrobial properties.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Choose Guilt or Your Health
Monday, May 5, 2008
Is BPA in You?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Mold and your Mood
"Depressed people are probably less likely to take good care of their homes, which partly explains the link," says epidemiologist and lead study author Edmond Shenassa. But preliminary evidence also suggests that mold may weaken the function of a brain region responsible for regulating emotion. Mold-related health troubles, like wheezing and fatigue, might also influence depression risk, says Shenassa. "If you're sick from mold, and you feel you can't get rid of it, that may affect your mental health," he notes.
Controlling moisture is key to keeping your home mold-free, says University of Washington environmental and occupational health microbiologist J. Scott Meschke, Ph.D. Fix leaks as soon as possible, and check the Environmental Protection Agency's mold guide (at for help with tackling other mold problems.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Snooze or Lose
Experimental research has shown that skimping on sleep might impair the body's ability to manage blood sugar. Sleep deprivation's potential to raise body weight probably impacts diabetes incidence as well, notes lead study author James Gangwisch, Ph.D.
Late-night munchies may also factor into diabetes risk, adds Larry Deeb, M.D., past president of the American Diabetes Association. "There's good evidence that our bodies become less efficient at processing blood sugar as the day wears on, so staying up and snacking could certainly be part of the problem," he warns.
Friday, May 2, 2008
You Can Age Fast or You Can Age Slow
Chronic Inflammation: This condition can contribute to cellular damage causing aging and age-related diseases. Contributing factors include toxins, trauma, stress, allergens, infections, etc. Also, a diet heavy in processed sugary and high protein foods produces inflammation. Immunodeficiency, a condition where the immune response is reduced or absent, impedes the body's ability to handle inflammation properly.
Oxidative Stress: Free radicals are unstable oxygen atoms and naturally occur in the body. However, high levels of free radicals attack our cell structure causing cell death and aging. This oxidative stress causes fruit to turn brown and shrivel up. A few factors that contribute to high levels of free radicals are heavy metals, toxins, pesticides, ionizing radiation, alcohol, cigarette smoke and foods high in fat and sugar.
DNA Damage: Natural gene mutation, free radicals and environmental factors can contribute to DNA damage. The cell copies its DNA in preparation for cell division. Damaged DNA produces damaged cells, X-rays, toxins, stress, malnutrition, cigarette smoke, ultraviolet light, and low-level magnetic fields emitted by household products such as electric blankets and blow dryers, are some of the environmental factors that can damage DNA.
Ideal Lifestyles Spring 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Four Food Types That Zap Your Brain Power
So if you value your brain power, which foods should you steer clear of?
1. Excessive Alcohol
Alcohol is a neurotoxin, which means it can poison your brain and kill your brain cells.
2. Refined Foods
If you eat mostly refined foods, it can cause imbalances in your brain that cause you to feel irratable, distracted, tired or fidgety.
3. Trans Fats
Trans fats have also been linked to other mental problems ranging from ADHD and dyslexia to autism.
4. Food Additives
MSG, which is a flavor enhancer in many packaged foods, is an exititoxin. Other food additives to avoid include the food coloring Blue 1, which has been linked to brain tumors in mice.
Now that you know what to avoid to keep your brain in tip-top shape, here'e what to look for, and indulge in:
- Leafy vegetables
- Fruits
- Seeds and nuts
- Mercury free fish
- Organic eggs
- Whole grains
- Green tea